
Association For domestic and international Arbitration – In-depth training on arbitration

The in-depth training held by the AFA on 21 and 22 October 2015 at Maison du Barreau, 2 rue de Harley 75001, starting at 8h30.

The two day training in French will cover:

• De la clause d’arbitrage à la saisine du Tribunal arbitral (from the arbitration agreement to the submission of the case to the arbitral tribunal)
• Du procés-verbal à l’audience (from the terms of reference to the hearings)
• L’audience (the hearings)
• De la sentence à l’exécution (from the issuance of the award to its enforcement)

Information: contact@afa-arbitrage.com

Bulletin d’inscription Le Cas Pratique de l’AFA Octobre 2015